Here I am bringing more news for these beloved people!!!!!!!
You probably know about the new Christina Aguilera's CD Bionic, and the thing is... I haven't heard the whole CD, but I've listened to 5 of them (bionic, woohoo, lost me, desnudate and not myself tonight, which everyone must have seen her music video, right?!) and I must say it's pretty different from what she normally does, but that doesn't mean it's bad, actually it's very good and more agitated then normally.
If you can listen to it (if you already haven't) and enjoy!!!
OOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhh, almost forgot... a time back I said that I was going to do some changes on my other blogs (and I know you must have forgotten about that, I recognize that I took a lot of time, but you will forgive me like all the other times, right??????) and one of them (http://www.storiesofadremingirl.blogspot.com/) is ready for all of you to check out, the other one is almost done, soon you'll be able to check out and... I said also that I was going to do a new one, but for now that isn't going to happen because my schedule is a bit full and I don't think I'll be able to handle it, so maybe next time.
Well I think that is what I needed to say, so until next time!!!!! :D
Kiss kiss
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