domingo, 25 de abril de 2010

Back from nowhere

Hey everyone!!!!!!
So back from nowhere I bring some news, YEAH!!!!!!
I've finally got to watch Alice in Wonderland that lately i've talked about a lot and it's great, wonderful, espetacular etc...
And besides that I'm also going to recomend the books Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass for whoever likes Alice's story.
One last thing is don't miss Alice's soundtrack it's great (why wouldn't it be since the movie is fabulous, hehehehehe).
For today that's all and don't miss watching it.
Kiss kiss

domingo, 4 de abril de 2010

Happy easter!

Hey everyone and a happy easter for everyone who celabrates it!!!
Finally arrieved to bring some news for all of you, YEAH!!!!

I finally got to see these movies: Fame, A Christmas Carol and The Princess and the Frog and of course I recomend it to everyone. If you like musicals Fame is perfect, or if you like drawings and Disney you'll love christmas carol and princess and the frog. Oh! and another little thing if you like the story of a Christmas Carol read the book, it's worth it.
And almost forgot, I completly don't recomend District 9, it's boring and a bit disgusting, so if you ike those things I think you'll like it, but if not then don't bother watching. I wasn't even able to finish watching that thing, but anyhow, I think that will be it for today.
Kiss kiss