sexta-feira, 25 de junho de 2010

Cute drawings!!!!

Today I'll be quick...but I'm here to show you lovely drawings that I found, if you want to see more and know more about the artist go to
So till another time... and I think this month I'll be able to bring more news, yeah!!!!!!Hehehehe
Kiss kiss

sábado, 19 de junho de 2010

Gymnastics news

Hello for everyone!!!!!
Here I come with news... this time I'll talk about Make it or Break it, it's a tv series that is about gymnastics, there's four main girls that they compete and show their lifes on these series, it's very fun, especially the part where they compete.
So for today that's what I recommend to everyone!
Until next time!!!!
Kiss kiss

sexta-feira, 11 de junho de 2010

Christina fun!!!!

Here I am bringing more news for these beloved people!!!!!!!
You probably know about the new Christina Aguilera's CD Bionic, and the thing is... I haven't heard the whole CD, but I've listened to 5 of them (bionic, woohoo, lost me, desnudate and not myself tonight, which everyone must have seen her music video, right?!) and I must say it's pretty different from what she normally does, but that doesn't mean it's bad, actually it's very good and more agitated then normally.
If you can listen to it (if you already haven't) and enjoy!!!

OOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhh, almost forgot... a time back I said that I was going to do some changes on my other blogs (and I know you must have forgotten about that, I recognize that I took a lot of time, but you will forgive me like all the other times, right??????) and one of them ( is ready for all of you to check out, the other one is almost done, soon you'll be able to check out and... I said also that I was going to do a new one, but for now that isn't going to happen because my schedule is a bit full and I don't think I'll be able to handle it, so maybe next time.
Well I think that is what I needed to say, so until next time!!!!! :D
Kiss kiss

domingo, 6 de junho de 2010


Finally I've been able to keep up with the posting!!!!!!! clap, clap, clap, clap hehehehehehehehe!!!!!
Today I come with something different (finally, no more movies, hehehehehehehe, for now, heheheheheh), these wonderful drawings, one of them is Gorjuss ( made by Suzanne Woolcott and the other one is Jolinne ( made by Meytal Ron.
Then I'll be posting some more next weekend and probably then I'll tell you about how is going my other blogs that I had said about before, so then you won't be so clueless, right?!
So I think that's it, ooohhhhh, and soon I'll be on holidays so, more news for all of you, beloved people!!!! Hehehehehehehehe (shouldn't be laughing, well, I am a happy person, hehehehehhe).
Kiss kiss

sábado, 5 de junho de 2010

More movie...

How is everyone??????
Here I come to say about The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, nice movie, but how it shows the ups and downs of life it is a bit sad, I didn't cry, but then again I hardly cry with movies, so prepare some tissues if you usually cry with these type of things.
Once again I bring only one news and don't have much to say, so til another time people!!!!
Kiss kiss

sexta-feira, 4 de junho de 2010

This is it!

This time I'm here to say about This is it, Michael Jackson's show that no one was able to see :( but now we get to see how was the rehearsal!!!
Very lovely, for anyoone to watch.
That's all I bring today!
Kiss kiss