terça-feira, 16 de março de 2010

After all this time...

Hello my beloved people!!! =P
I'm happy though I shouldn't be, because not only I've been not so good on the news, but I'm posting today and I don't have anything new to recommend to you =(
Anyways, even though I'm busy with to many exams I wanted to drop by (even not having nothing big to say, buaaaa) to say, actually write, hehehehehhe (you must be hating that I'm not getting to a point, hehehe, why should I be laughing?!) that I've got some plans for my other two blogs, that I've already mencioned they are going through a makeover, so not only will I have to ask everyone to be patient, but also not to kill me, please!!!! Hehehehehehe
In other words, you'll be waiting, but for something better (I hope that's what you'll think of it) and I'm also having some few ideas for another blog, hehehehehehe (yes another one, how come I can do that?!Hehehehehehehhe), and even if it is something very common for blogs, I just had to do it, I mean, I am a fan of Walt Disney, so obviously I'm doing a blog about disney and in the near future, I hope, I'll be passing it to all of you that are wating anxiously (aren't I thinking of myself to big? I have to be quite sometimes, well in this case it's anothe story, anyhow, hehehehe!).
Oh, and a little treat for you to show how I care, some pictures from Alice in Wonderland (I know that I may seem adicted to it, but honestly I haven't even seen it yet, so in one way I'm not).
For today that's what I had to say (please don't hate me! It is for the best) and I think this time I'll bring some more interesting news still this week. Hope everyone is well and not suffering from nature's castatrophes.
Kiss kiss

sábado, 6 de março de 2010


Finally stopped by, and to say something not so good, hehehehehehe (why should I be laughing? Shame on me, hehe), my other two blogs (stories of a dreaming girl and always fashion always designer) are going through some changes, so, sorry, but it's for the best and it might take a while, so be patient, please!!!
Besides that I thought of bringing some nice news, which is: listen to Alice sung by Avril Lavigne, it's wonderful and it's from the new Tim Burton's movie Alice in Wonderland.

I'm a bit occupied lately, once again sorry for writting little and that's still going to happen, for the billion time sorry and see you next time (how am I going to see you? Really I need to think better before I write, ehehehehhehe)
Kiss kiss